Point Line Plane
I made the decision to make my project a term-long piece. I am not much of an artist in general so I thought taking my time would help make it come out better. I am also very new to digital art (I am still trying to get good at using a drawing tablet and photoshop) so I am really curious to see how this comes out.
Each week I plan to work on parts that are specific to each chapter as well. This first part is just the basic linework for the image as a whole. I didn't get started until Thursday due to complications with technology so it's not as finished as I would have liked it, the details and pose are going to get more complex as the term goes on.
I recently have gotten very into the works of HP Lovecraft and his style of writing so I decided I wanted to create something based on his works (and no the symbol on his forehead is not satanic or anything like that). His style is all about the fear of the unknown which contrasts with my love for it so I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of changes my world view could add to his most famous Elder God Chthulu.
The Instagram I made for this is @chthuluart
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